Since I forced you all to sit through a J.D. Drew post and a post about team doctors this week, here is something more entertaining. Although the doctor post only had 9 hits so I guess not too many of you suffered.
Sexy Boston Sports' Pugilistic Enthusiast Kati Welch sent me a post idea via text message a couple weeks ago: "Can u (sic) do a blog comaparing (sic) sports fites (sic)?And (sic) why hockey ones are bogus, haha” (yes folks, she is a high school English teacher). Done and done*. Today I am going to look at the brawl styles of the four major sports by comparing each sport to the different types of people who get into bar fights, with bonus video clips from fights from each sport. Let’s get ready to rumbllllllllllllllle!!!
*Before I get too deep into this I have to say that I think fights in sports that aren't based on fighting are all pretty ridiculous. If I wanted to see a fight I would watch boxing, MMA or The Real World/Road Rules Challenge. I don't think they really have a place in any of these sports and they just grind the games to a halt. If you are looking for a post about how cool hockey and baseball brawls are you have come to the wrong place.
Hockey: The Liability
Hockey is easily my least favorite of the four major sports (so according to my friend Bouc the following is extremely biased) and a large part of that is the fighting. Whenever I tell a hockey fan that I
don’t like their sport, they usually respond with something like, “I hear ya
bro, but you gotta admit the fights are badass!” No. Hockey fights are not
badass, I’m sorry. Now, I’m not saying that the guys who get into these fights
are pussies or that they don’t land some real solid punches. Of all the sports
fights these are definitely the most raw with the highest chance for blood. But
for something to be badass, doesn’t it also have to be exciting? Hockey fights
are like a real life version of Rock Em Sock Em Robots. Two guys grab each
other with one arm and use the other arm to throw a bunch of robotic jabs until
one guy falls down and the refs break it up. You’ve seen one hockey fight and
you’ve seen them all. What’s worse is that you see two or three of these a game
sometimes which adds to the mundanity of the fights and the sport itself.
That’s why hockey fights are “The Liability”. Most people
have a friend that they would consider a liability. At a minimum this friend
drinks entirely too much every single time you go out. If you are lucky, this
leads to that friend checking out of a party early by passing out on a couch or
standing in a corner bobbing their head with their eyes half open, but most of
us aren’t that lucky. Most liabilities turn that over-drunkenness into
unpredictable rage. You cut me in the beer line? Let’s fight. You backed that
thing up just a little too much? Put up your dukes. You are wearing the colors
of a sports team I don’t like? Let’s duel sir. Your left eyebrow is a smidge
longer than your right? Mother fucker it’s time to die! Hockey follows this
same general pattern. If someone checks you too hard, skates too far into the
goalie’s crease, celebrates in front of your bench or calls your celebrity
girlfriend sloppy seconds, the game stops, the gloves come off and the red and
blue plastic fists fly back and forth. They only way I’ll ever not find these
fights annoying is if one out of every three times somebody’s head actually
pops off.
Football: The Guy with the Hot Girlfriend
Imagine for a second that you are a man that stands about 5’6”,
weighs 130 lbs and wears thick rimmed glasses. On a looks scale of 1-10 you are
about a 4. You have a great sense of humor and a successful cartoon jingle
writing career. One day you meet a tall, beautiful woman, a no doubt 10, who is
totally out of your league, but you get to talking and she finds you charming
and cute and you start to date. On your first public date together, men approach
her with reckless abandon as if you were nothing more than the bus boy. You get
annoyed but figure it comes with the territory of dating such a beauty and
anyway you don’t want to do anything to rock the boat and ruin your chances
with her. The next few times out its more of the same. The men swarm like moths
to a much hotter moth. After a while you get used to it and even find it kinda
funny. Here I am with this beautiful woman that every man wants and none of
them can have her because she chose me. But then maybe one night you’ve had a
little too much to drink. Also your most recent jingle was rejected by Procter
and Gamble even though you thought it was gold. So guy number 6 of the pickup
line parade approaches your girlfriend and says, “Why don’t you ditch the zero
and get with the hero” and then double thumb points to himself. And suddenly
you snap. After hundreds of hits, this one was just a little off and on a day
when you just weren’t having it so you throw a punch and a fight ensues. This
is the NFL fight.
Baseball: The Dance Fight
***BIAS ALERT*** If I had to choose a favorite fight, it
would be the baseball fight. I know, I know. I’m a baseball guy so it’s not
exactly earth shattering that I’d choose these fights as my favorite, but let
me explain myself. First of all, a baseball fight usually starts by one person
firing a projectile 90 plus miles an hour at another person’s head making it
the only sports fight where someone could conceivably die, unless Happy Gilmore
is involved or if an NBA or NFL player is packing. It’s also the only one of
the three sports that is called a “brawl” instead of a “fight”, eliciting
images of back alleys of foggy London town and drunk hooligans. Unlike football
and hockey, the players do not wear pads (except the catcher, but sometimes that doesn’t matter). The brawls also have the highest participation rate if
the bullpens and benches clear (there are more players on a football team but
rarely do the sidelines empty). There’s usually three or four peripheral fights
going on as well. But what I like most about the baseball brawl is the
beautiful choreography involved and it's this choreography that makes the baseball brawl "The Dance Fight".
When the pitcher throws the sweet chin music, this is akin
to him hearing his favorite joint on the ones and twos. Sometimes when you hear
your favorite joint you just have to find some unsuspecting bustah in the crowd
to challenge to a dance off. Now that he’s been challenge, it’s his turn to
accept. Sometimes this starts with a point back with the bat, “Oh you really
want me? Do you know who I am?”, other times he just charges right into it with
his best move to set a high bar. The challenger responds with a counter move
and by this time the crowd is into it. They swarm the fighters creating an
insulated bubble around them. Sides are chosen. As sweet moves are traded back
and forth, the crowd starts to get heated in their support and new battles
break off. Soon, people from different areas of the bar catch wind of the epic
battle taking place and rush to the melee. It’s an all out war. Then the music
stops. The sides are separated. The judges/umpires (yes, every bar has judges
standing by in case an impromptu dance fight breaks out) get together to decide
a winner. They let the sides know their decision and the crowd goes wild. You
just got served.
Basketball: The Chick Fight
Full disclosure: Lebron James, Carmelo Anthony, Kevin
Garnett and probably 99% of all NBA players could probably destroy me (I could
definitely take someone like Vince Carter). However, when they go at each other
on the court the fight looks about as tough as a scene from Eat, Pray, Love. They like to scream and flex and jump around
and glare and stick out their bottom jaw, but when time comes to man up and
fight they throw it in reverse and let fly a flurry of slaps. There have
definitely been some serious NBA fights over the years (the Kermit/Rudy T
fight, any Celtics or Pistons fight from the 80’s like the one above, the
battle at Auburn Hills), but more often than not you get something like what
happened with the Knicks and Nuggets a few years ago when Carmelo threw a punch
and ran away or Garnett’s nut tap on Channing Frye earlier this year. NBA
fights usually generate anything from an exaggerated eye roll to outright
laughter over the level of absurdity. Just like the “Chick Fight."
Just watch this video. There is screaming. Running around.
Swearing. Name calling. And it all comes to a head when one chick grabs the
other chicks hair and starts smacking away. Am I wrong, or could you slap an “Anthony
15” jersey on one and a “Garnett 5” on the other and this would be an NBA
fight? Actually, these girls are probably tougher than the majority of the
locked out league. Maybe I’m doing a disservice to chick fights by putting that
label on NBA fights. Maybe we have to go down the fight spectrum to kindergarten
fights or something before we get it right. Regardless of what we call them
though, basketball fights make all other sports fights look Ali-Frazier, Gatti-Ward,
Hearns-Leonard, or Portia-Natalie of the Bad Girls Club.
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